Healing Hearts Lodge

MHA Recovery Services Programs

Recovery Center located in Bismarck, North Dakota

Healing Hearts Lodge is a recovery program with 24 apartment-style living units for women and women with children, owned and operated by the Mandan, Hidatsa, & Arikara Nation. Healing Hearts Lodge’s program services are centered on peer support and connection to services that promote long-term recovery. Recovery housing benefits individuals in recovery by reinforcing a substance-free lifestyle and providing direct connections to other peers in recovery, mutual support groups, and recovery support services.

Healing Hearts Lodge provides the opportunity to strengthen individuals’ time in recovery by providing a supportive environment, as well as offering opportunities for new skill building that assists individuals in working towards personal goals while establishing financial responsibility through employment or working towards educational goals. Healing Hearts Lodge understands that the more time an individual has in sobriety the more likely an individual is to be successful in maintaining a healthy and sober lifestyle of recovery.

Healing Hearts Lodge Staff

Chelsea Luger

Healing Hearts Supervisor